Bank Holiday Monday...

Published on 28 May 2023 at 22:32

What a week we have ahead! Tomorrow (Bank Holiday Monday)
I am singing at The Coaster in Southport at 2pm.


Not to forget it’s My Mum’s Birthday, so we will be celebrating that too! Tuesday I am back to entertaining our lovely senior citizens and then off for a few days of fun with the family
in Blackpool

Our Crowdfunder has nearly reached 30%, so we still have a way to go, but we are moving in the right direction! Two studios have now been in touch and we are just awaiting availability dates, which are looking like the tail end of June. So, watch this space! 

Please check out our Store page, it has all my CDs that are available to purchase. 

If you would like to donate to the Crowdfunder, the link is below: 

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