What a great start to the academic year...

Published on 1 October 2023 at 22:19

so much to tell you! 

Well, I can finally tell you all that I have started writing and recording a 5 track EP through BMG! After crowdfunding to record two songs professionally, they listened and saw what I was capable of and gave the green light to start writing and recording with one of their producers! Such an amazing opportunity for me, especially at my age! The EP will be out in 2024. 

I have now started at The Royal Northern College of Music and I am now a part of a band, called Up North! It’s amazing to work with such talented young people. 

Last week I went to my first meeting with The Sefton Jazz Orchestra and have two songs to learn…. In addition to all this I provided part of the entertainment at a MacMillan Coffee Morning in school and will be entertaining our elders with Dementia in the next two weeks. I love giving back and helping others! Oh, and not to forget my piano lessons are now moving towards my exams in April, so there is so much to do and I love it!

A massive thanks to everyone who supports my journey, buys my CDs, listens and follows me and contributes to my music fund… Every penny helps me to progress.
We can’t Thank you all enough!!!

Speak soon! Love

Astrid x

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Michael Graham
a year ago

Congratulations. Awesome news

a year ago

Hi Astrid
Thank you, and congratulations on your musical achievements.
I am looking forward to hearing this EP.
I hope one day, I will be able to watch you performing.
Best wishes

Warren Millar
a year ago

Amazing news :-)