Fellow "Astroids" unite!!!

Published on 10 February 2024 at 16:03

Hello Fellow Astroids
(possible name for our great fans??? Or maybe not????)

The EP is out and we have 5 incredibly amazing tracks! If you haven’t listened yet, please click the link and follow my Spotify page. 


Problem we are seeing is because my fan base is so small, we are struggling to get the songs heard. We have had so much amazing news exposure, but they aren’t allowed to post links to the EP, so as much as it’s great to have my story told around the world,  it doesn’t translate to streams :(

So, we are going to have to promote across all social media through paid advertising (bmg, will be promoting the EP through an interview, but it’s ultimately on me and my fans to get this EP heard).  

£12 gets me 700-1200 extra views, so just imagine how much you would have to spend to get a hundred thousand views and then imagine what small percentage would click through to stream the song, between 1-3%. 

So, now you can see how costly promotion is. However, we truly believe these songs are too too good, not to be heard. And we don’t want this chance BMG gave us to be wasted.

The Music Industry has changed and it no longer ploughs money into Artists in the hope they will get a return. Now, the Artist has to have a big following in place and ready to go…

I just got very lucky that someone saw my potential, but now it’s up to me, to make it work.

So, if you believe in me and the quality of the EP and want to help me promote them, click on the Contribute Here, donate however small amount you like and send it as a friend to avoid PayPal taking a cut. All donations will be ploughed into advertising. Let’s just hope it works, nothing is guaranteed, but if we don’t try we will never know! 


Love to you all and let’s do this!!!

Astrid Allegrah x 


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Teresa Hollington
a year ago

What is the best thing to do to help you to get listened to more.
Put your song on our Facebook page or just ask friends and family to follow you on Spotify is Spotify used to raise you to the top, sorry I don’t know much about Spotify xx